2015年9月27日 星期日

SPD4459 - 尋茶記。 茶餐廳的歷史及由來 The history of Cha Chaan Teng

正所謂知己知彼,百戰百勝。係我地茶餐廳Hunter搜獵港九新界所有隱世茶餐廳之前,當然要先了解下茶餐廳既起源同由來先啦。Let's Go!

HelloWe are Chachaanteng Hunters who aimed to search all of the brilliant Chachaantengs in Hong Kong. Before we start our hunting, let’s figure out the history of the Chachaanteng first!



History of Chachaanteng

There are two versions about the history of Chachaateng, the first version is Chachaanteng was developed from traditional Chinese food stall, the second version is clammed that the Chinese cafe in Hong Kong evolved Chachaanteng. Both of the statements are described that Chachaanteng was a kind of product turned up because of the changes of Hong Kong citizens’ eating habits during World War II.


其實係二次世界大戰前,當時一般市民除左去上茶樓食一盅兩件之外,重會去大牌檔食一啲比較便宜既中式食物同點心,例如叉燒包,燒賣,油條,白粥等等。於二次 大戰後期,香港成為英國殖民地。香港市民亦受到西式生活及文化所影響,開始對其飲食文化產生了興趣。但奈何當時只有高級餐廳先會提供西式食物,一般市民難 以負擔。看準呢個時機既大排檔開始推出各種西式食品同飲品,以低廉既價格令一般市民大眾享受到西式食物。而呢一類同時提供中式及西式食物既大排檔,就成為 日後茶餐廳既雛形。

Statement 1 - Traditional food stall evolve to The Chachaanteng

Before the WWII, most of the citizens in Hong Kong went to traditional chinese restaurant and food stall to enjoy Chinese dim sum such as barbeque pork bun, siu mai, congee, etc. After the WWII, since Hong Kong became a colony of the United Kingdom, the eating habit and lifestyle of the western started to affect on the citizen in Hong Kong. However, the price of the food in restaurant is too expensive that normal people was not affordable to enjoy. Thus, the food stall saw this opportunity and started to introduce different types of western food and beverage with a more reasonable price. And this type of food stall, which provide both western and Chinese food, had became the prototype of the Chachaanteng.


而第二種冰室演變說同樣地都係同二次大戰有關,但冰室卻係二次大戰後先洐生既產物。正如先前提及既情況一樣,自從香港成為英國殖民地後,部分華人日漸受西式 飲食文化所影響,繼而追求各種西式食品。但係礙於西餐廳收費昂貴,而且更加唔歡迎華人光顧。因此提供廉價仿西式食品既冰室就應運而生。當時既冰室主要提供 既食物包括有三文治、多士、各式包點,另外更加有咖啡、奶茶等飲品。及後冰室裏面提供既食物種類日漸增加,並且同西餐廳各種食物作融合,演變成為今時今日 既茶餐廳。

Statement 2 - Traditional Chinese cafe evolve to the Chachaanteng

The second statement is also related to the WWII, however the Chinese cafe was a product produced by the last stage of WWII. As mentioned before in statement 1, since Hong Kong became a colony, a lot of Hong Kong citizen were willing to try western food but most of the western restaurant in Hong Kong was quite expensive and Chinese people were not welcomed. Therefore the Chinese cafe was introduced to the market. The dishes provided in the Chinese cafe including sandwiches, toast, buns and also different types of beverages such as coffee or milk tea.

嗱 嗱嗱, 其實我地各位Hunter對於呢兩種關於茶餐廳起源既説法都十分認同,因為兩種説法都體現到茶餐廳其實係二戰後中西文化融合同時代演變而成既產物。並且都 認為茶餐廳其實均由兩者所演變而成,用比喻而言,茶餐廳就有如一條大河,由兩條支流,大牌檔及冰室所結合,成就左現今的茶餐廳。

All of the Chachaanteng hunters also agree with both statement about the history of Chachaanteng, since both statement indicates the Chachaanteng is a product of the fusion of Western and Chinese culture. We can say that Chachaanteng is just like a river, which combined by two main tributary, traditional food stall& Chinese cafe.

了解完茶餐廳既歷史同起源之後,我地茶餐廳Hunter將會開始搜獵行動,走均全港為大家搜尋各種特色茶餐廳,了解各類茶餐廳文化,令大家大飽口福同眼福!記得記得Mark實我地 搜茶記 By 茶餐廳Hunter啦!xoxo

OKAY!!! Without further ado, the hunting mission is about to begin! If you want to try some special dishes and experience the local culture in Hong Kong, there is no doubt that we can bring the best for you!!!!! Remember to stay with us!!!! xoxo

