《尋茶記 Cha Chaan Teng Hunter》由六位重視香港傳統文化嘅Cha
Chaan Teng Hunter組成。 茶餐廳(茶記)係香港獨有的飲食文化,廣受普羅大眾歡迎。最經典嘅食物莫過於菠蘿油、絲襪奶茶、鴛鴦、蛋撻。 喺呢度,我哋會將茶餐廳內外反轉再反轉,窺探茶記嘅前世今生、點解茶記喺香港呢個多元飲食文化嘅城市依然迄立不倒、點解茶記咁受歡迎、茶記嘅過人之處、邊間茶記係非去不可、邊樣食物係非食不可…… 一齊嚟同我哋感受最地道嘅香港、探索最有香港特色嘅食文化! 各位Cha Chaan Teng Hunter,旅程開始喇!
《Cha Chaan Teng Hunter》is
formed by six Cha Chaan Teng Hunter that admire the Hong Kong traditional
culture. Cha Chaan Teng (Cha Kei – a local would call Cha Chaan Teng as
Cha Kei) is a distinct food culture of Hong Kong, have been loved by public
over the decades. Pineapple bun with frozen butter (Polo bun with frozen
butter), Hong Kong Style milktea, Yuanyang (coffee with tea) and egg tart are
so famous and classic for cha chaan teng cuisines. We would ask you to come
along with us to explore Cha Chaan Teng, to find out what so special about Cha
Chaan Teng that Hong Kong people could not live without. Which food we would
highly recommend to go for visit. Forget what the travel magazine tell, follow
our step to taste the local Cha Chaan Teng. Please join us as a Cha Chaan Teng
Hunter, and our journey begin Now!