2015年11月2日 星期一

SPD4459-尋茶記。第12彈【祥香茶餐廳】 Cheung Heung Cha Chaan Teng

 又到星期日,今次又到Hunter Ron深夜放毒,帶大家尋找本地茶記的故事~今次我地就覓食到西環,拜訪下呢間特色茶記。

It's Sunday again!Here is Hunter Ron and this is   my turn to bring you guys on my hunting journey, make sure you stay close with us and this time our destination is at Sai Wan.

講開西環,其實住新界區嘅Hunter Ron都係第一次去,除左聽過下著名高街ge"事蹟”之外 對於西環都冇咩認識,今次終於可以揭開神秘嘅面紗啦~同埋自從西港島線通車之後 來往中西區又方便左,多左個覓食好去處。其實莫講話西環,Hunter Ron都係未坐過港島西線架,可以話得係初次體驗。

Speaking of Sai Wan, actually it's my first time to go there. Before that, what I know about Sai Wan is the infamous horror story of Sai Wan only. And finally i got the chance to go there and take the new west island line of the MTR.


Without further adu, let's go hunt! Get off at the Kennedy Town station, I was impressed by the modernized station. It looks clean and sharp.
However, go out from the station at Exit B, it's a totally different picture. Compare to the modernized design of the station, the area was surrounds by old buildings, alleys are crossing around. It's like turning back the clock to the old Hong Kong, and walk in a old commmunity.
繼續尋味之旅,根據朋友嘅報料,今次特色茶記距離地鐵站並唔遠,我跟住偉大嘅google map,繼續旅程。果然,眨下眼就到~望過對面馬路,見到“祥香茶餐廳”五個大字,非常醒目。從外面黎睇,位於舊式大廈地下嘅祥香園相當具歷史。門口仲擺賣住新鮮岀爐嘅蛋撻同包點,真係買少見少架。不過,佢嘅特别之處並不在此,而係內有乾坤!推開大門一望,典型茶記格局,街坊熟客濟濟一堂。然後望過右手邊!有條樓梯!原來呢間茶記嘅特别之處就係“閣樓”!香港寸金尺土,好難得會有地下舖位連閣樓咁營業。印象中Hunter Ron係澳門都食過一次閣樓茶記,估唔到香港都有。

Continue our journey, from my google map and my friend, they both "told" me that the Chachaanteng we are going isn't far away from the MTR station. And soon, I got there! Right ahead, I can see the sharp signboard of the chachaanteng, "Cheung Heung", written in traditional chinese font. From outside, you can tell this chachaanteng got some age. There are bakery outside the restaurant selling freshly made egg tarts and bread which is rarely seen in recent years, but it's not the only feature. Let's get inside! Open the door, you can see a classic Chachaanteng set up, neighbours are chatting and enjoying there meal. And I look to the right, there is a stairs which is going upward! It got two floor. Well, for a more precise description, It got an attic! Basically you don't found other chachaanteng with an attic in Hong Kong. I remember I have seen it once in Macau. That's impressive.
上到閣樓人客唔算多,望落都算闊落。係卡位安頓好即刻望望個餐牌先~上面非常整齊咁列曬有咩餐選擇,有咩配搭咁,都係好典型嘅港式味道,唔多花巧食物。所以常餐就係我必然之選… 叫左嘢食之後小編就好安静咁耐心等待,跟住腦海突然“叮”一聲,係到諗,啲嘢食係點送上閣樓呢?行樓梯好似好危險...但果到得一條通道上落…係我好專心諗果陣,背後又傳岀“叮”一聲!謎底終於揭開,原來係有“lift"搭架,直接由廚房送上閣樓,安全又方便。小編點嘅常餐:沙嗲牛肉麵配煎蛋話咁快由G/F黎到面前。味道黎講,啲沙嗲牛肉好入味,麵又煮得剛好,口感唔錯。雖然平凡但十分滿足。連埋凍飲價錢都係$36,相當合理!

I went upstairs and there are few people only. The attic is quite spacious I would say. After settling down, I take a quick look on the menu.
It is neat and shown every option you can choose and what meal are available. All of them are traditional "Kong style" food. For this time, I choose the "regular" set meal. While waiting for the food, I was wondering, how does the food get to the attic? Are the crew carry them and walk up the stairs?Would it be to dangerous? Suddenly, A "ding" sound awakes me and I look around. The truth unveils. There is a lift, literally. An elevator will carry the food from the kitchen and bring it upstairs, that's a convenient and safe way. Here are my regular set meal, soup noodles with Satay-flavoured beef and pan fried egg. It taste quite good and the noodles wasn't overcook. Ordinary but satisfying, for the food and its price too. The meal cost $36, reasonable.

Hunter Ron覺得今次嘅尋茶記體驗真係非常特别,係時代嘅變遷下,好多舊有嘅事物被淘汰,或者係被取代。甚至乎我地嘅三餐都已經俾大型連鎖集團或者林林總總嘅特色食店填滿。十分難得地整個西環仍然保有果份昔日社區嘅氣息,值得我地去行下感受下。

It's a unforgettable hunting journey for me because it's hard to find such place like Sai Wan where it keeps the old Kong style and the noatalgic feel. Nowadays, society embraces efficiency and new things. We like to try new stuff and seek for new experience. If you are tired of chasing the trend,Sai Wan definitly is a place thay worth a visit.
Address: No.107, Belcher Street, Kennedy Town, West Central, HK

Text by Hunter Ron
Photo by Hunter Ron

