2015年11月7日 星期六

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。奶茶的故事 Fun Fact about Milk Tea



When you decided to eat at Cha Chaan Teng, remember to order a milk tea!!
You know, there are a to different flavours and types of milk tea, like earl milk tea, pearl milk tea and Thai style one. 


2015年11月5日 星期四

SPD4459 - 尋茶記。第13彈【澳洲牛奶公司】 Australia Dairy Co.


Wednesday night means new article!
Lets talk about something more than food today, more about the culture of Cha Chaan Teng.
If u had did some research on Cha Chaan Teng culture in HK,then u may know the folks of hidden rules that apply to those famous Cha Chaan Tengs with great food but with not-so-friendly customer service. One of them is the one that we are introducing today - Australia Dairy Co.

2015年11月2日 星期一

SPD4459-尋茶記。第12彈【祥香茶餐廳】 Cheung Heung Cha Chaan Teng

 又到星期日,今次又到Hunter Ron深夜放毒,帶大家尋找本地茶記的故事~今次我地就覓食到西環,拜訪下呢間特色茶記。

It's Sunday again!Here is Hunter Ron and this is   my turn to bring you guys on my hunting journey, make sure you stay close with us and this time our destination is at Sai Wan.

講開西環,其實住新界區嘅Hunter Ron都係第一次去,除左聽過下著名高街ge"事蹟”之外 對於西環都冇咩認識,今次終於可以揭開神秘嘅面紗啦~同埋自從西港島線通車之後 來往中西區又方便左,多左個覓食好去處。其實莫講話西環,Hunter Ron都係未坐過港島西線架,可以話得係初次體驗。

Speaking of Sai Wan, actually it's my first time to go there. Before that, what I know about Sai Wan is the infamous horror story of Sai Wan only. And finally i got the chance to go there and take the new west island line of the MTR.

2015年10月30日 星期五

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。第11彈 筷子記【 Chopsticks Kee】




As we saw that many of our viewers were office workers, there is no doubt that a critical problem for them is to decide where should they eat their lunch in a long busy day.

In fact, it is not hard to find a nice place for your lunch which may also charge you a reasonable price as long as you know how to sneak into high streets and back lanes!



Okay!! You may see this an extra one for you because Chopsticks Kee was not a local Cha Chaan Teng in Hong Kong, it is a traditional restaurant form Macau!

If you traveled Asia before I am sure that you know Macau is well known for its local pork chop bun, however, Chopsticks Kee's seasoned noodles 撈麵 (***boiled noodles strained and then seasoned***) was just too yummy!!!!!!!!!!     

2015年10月28日 星期三

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。奄列的故事 Fun Fact about Omelette


奄列(Omelette) ——無論早餐ABC、下午茶DEF、常餐定特餐,都會見到佢

Hello everyone, Shirley again!Annie and I went to Ka Lok Cha Chaan Teng to try the omelette there,and Today I will reveal the story of Omelette. In Hong Kong, omelette is the standard side dish of Cha Chaan Teng meals for breakfast, tea and pretty much with evey meal.I got few stories to share and you can decide which one is true.

2015年10月25日 星期日

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。第10彈 周記點心茶餐廳 [Chau Kee Restaurant]



Hello! This time the CCT hunter will bring you to eat French toast. At this moment, maybe youre thinking how special it is for a French toast? It is only a normal type of food in Chachaanteng. However, did you try a French toast with different taste of fillings inside?

2015年10月23日 星期五

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第9彈 【蘭芳園】 Lan Fong Yuen

This is a famous song from a popular Hong Kong singer Alan Tam! Music has no boundaries, go and check out who is he,maybe you will fall in love with his song~ Who Knows!  

How come?! There were so many pictures of Alan Tam posted on the wall

It was so strange, just like Lan Fong Yuen was owned by Alan Tam.