2015年11月7日 星期六

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。奶茶的故事 Fun Fact about Milk Tea



When you decided to eat at Cha Chaan Teng, remember to order a milk tea!!
You know, there are a to different flavours and types of milk tea, like earl milk tea, pearl milk tea and Thai style one. 


2015年11月5日 星期四

SPD4459 - 尋茶記。第13彈【澳洲牛奶公司】 Australia Dairy Co.


Wednesday night means new article!
Lets talk about something more than food today, more about the culture of Cha Chaan Teng.
If u had did some research on Cha Chaan Teng culture in HK,then u may know the folks of hidden rules that apply to those famous Cha Chaan Tengs with great food but with not-so-friendly customer service. One of them is the one that we are introducing today - Australia Dairy Co.

2015年11月2日 星期一

SPD4459-尋茶記。第12彈【祥香茶餐廳】 Cheung Heung Cha Chaan Teng

 又到星期日,今次又到Hunter Ron深夜放毒,帶大家尋找本地茶記的故事~今次我地就覓食到西環,拜訪下呢間特色茶記。

It's Sunday again!Here is Hunter Ron and this is   my turn to bring you guys on my hunting journey, make sure you stay close with us and this time our destination is at Sai Wan.

講開西環,其實住新界區嘅Hunter Ron都係第一次去,除左聽過下著名高街ge"事蹟”之外 對於西環都冇咩認識,今次終於可以揭開神秘嘅面紗啦~同埋自從西港島線通車之後 來往中西區又方便左,多左個覓食好去處。其實莫講話西環,Hunter Ron都係未坐過港島西線架,可以話得係初次體驗。

Speaking of Sai Wan, actually it's my first time to go there. Before that, what I know about Sai Wan is the infamous horror story of Sai Wan only. And finally i got the chance to go there and take the new west island line of the MTR.

2015年10月30日 星期五

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。第11彈 筷子記【 Chopsticks Kee】




As we saw that many of our viewers were office workers, there is no doubt that a critical problem for them is to decide where should they eat their lunch in a long busy day.

In fact, it is not hard to find a nice place for your lunch which may also charge you a reasonable price as long as you know how to sneak into high streets and back lanes!



Okay!! You may see this an extra one for you because Chopsticks Kee was not a local Cha Chaan Teng in Hong Kong, it is a traditional restaurant form Macau!

If you traveled Asia before I am sure that you know Macau is well known for its local pork chop bun, however, Chopsticks Kee's seasoned noodles 撈麵 (***boiled noodles strained and then seasoned***) was just too yummy!!!!!!!!!!     

2015年10月28日 星期三

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。奄列的故事 Fun Fact about Omelette


奄列(Omelette) ——無論早餐ABC、下午茶DEF、常餐定特餐,都會見到佢

Hello everyone, Shirley again!Annie and I went to Ka Lok Cha Chaan Teng to try the omelette there,and Today I will reveal the story of Omelette. In Hong Kong, omelette is the standard side dish of Cha Chaan Teng meals for breakfast, tea and pretty much with evey meal.I got few stories to share and you can decide which one is true.

2015年10月25日 星期日

SPD 4459 – 尋茶記。第10彈 周記點心茶餐廳 [Chau Kee Restaurant]



Hello! This time the CCT hunter will bring you to eat French toast. At this moment, maybe youre thinking how special it is for a French toast? It is only a normal type of food in Chachaanteng. However, did you try a French toast with different taste of fillings inside?

2015年10月23日 星期五

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第9彈 【蘭芳園】 Lan Fong Yuen

This is a famous song from a popular Hong Kong singer Alan Tam! Music has no boundaries, go and check out who is he,maybe you will fall in love with his song~ Who Knows!  

How come?! There were so many pictures of Alan Tam posted on the wall

It was so strange, just like Lan Fong Yuen was owned by Alan Tam.

2015年10月21日 星期三

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第8彈 【華嫂冰室】 Mrs Tang Cafe


OK!! Shirley Again! Before the review of the Cha Chaan Teng today, we would discuss the difference between Hong Kong Style cafe and Cha Chaan Teng. Scroll down if you would love know the answer! 


Actually Hong Kong cafe is more ancient than Cha Chaan Teng. In the old time, Hong Kong Style cafe is more focus on serving snacks or tea rather than main meals. But the western influences from restaurants and needs of keep on trend, Hong Kong Style cafe had included the food from Cha Chaan Teng. So we have more choices today!

上個星期三,Hunter Annie嘅朋友Hunter Y就介紹咗間喺元朗好出名嘅華嫂冰室
A friend of Annie introduced us to a famous cafe in Yuen Long, and surely we went for the hunt.

2015年10月18日 星期日

SPD4459-尋茶記。第7彈 星光熠熠耀華星 - 華星冰室 Capital Cafe

Chrisly Cafe, the emblem of "Kong" culture

香港貴為美食天堂,茶餐廳冰室文化源遠流長,馳名中外,作為香港嘅文化象徵實在當之無愧啊!之但係筆者係開首又講到“華星”,究竟華星又點解可以同冰室並列呢?嗱嗱嗱 開餐就先同大家上返堂歷史課先啦~

Hong Kong, better known as the "Food Paradise", the world-famous ChaChaanTeng had a long history and it is definitely  one of the cultural emblem for Hong Kong. So what else can represent "Kong" culture besides food? Let's take a seat and begin our history lesson.



The chinese name of "Capital Cafe" is originated from the Capital Artists, a Hong Kong–based record label. In the 1980s, signed some of the biggest names of Canto-pop industry, including  Anita Mui, and Leslie Cheung. Great singer like Eason Chan and Miriam Yeung were also debuted through the Capital Artist's singing contest. During its prime in the 1970s and 1980s, Capital was one of the biggest labels in Hong Kong.  Capital Artists and the 80s symbolized the prime time of Hong Kong pop culture, this is the main idea for the Capital Cafe, to bring back the good memories with our sight and taste.

2015年10月16日 星期五

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第6彈 【瑞記咖啡】 ShuiKee Coffee


When we left the Sheung Wan MTR station from A2 Exit,went through many cafe with different themes and finally we found the Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building. The building was exactly we were going to!!!
Sometimes finding a nice Cha Chaan Teng was like finding a treasure, it was so unique that it stand out from all the Cafes. You know what "The rarer a thing is, the more it worth!"   


ShuiKee Coffee located on 2rd floor of the Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, we ran back and forth in the building and it was playing hind and seek with us!! Oh God, we found it!!!!It was at the corner.   
It was like 5:30 pm, once we ran to the ShuiKee Coffee we were sweaty and we were so afraid that it closed. 
(P.s. ShuiKee Coffee closed at 6:00 pm!!)

2015年10月15日 星期四

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第5彈 【維記咖啡粉麵】Wai Kee Noodle Cafe


上個星期日Hunter Annie & Hunter Shirley就出動

Hello, Lovely readers! As a local in Hong Kong, I did missed some restaurants that worth to try but you need to overcome the long long queue. If you ask me the MOST famous Cha Chaan Teng in Sham Shui Po(SSP),I would say Wai Kee Noodle Cafe. But I never been to there,even I live in Shek Kip Mei, Cuz every time I walk pass the Cafe, many many peoples were waiting. And they actually have 3 shop on the same street next to each other but still people mountain people sea, especially in holiday at busy hours. People would drove there for the food.

This time, Annie and I picked the perfect timing to visit the cafe, it was the past Sunday morning at 10am, which you would see the people that share table with you just look like your neighbours,dress in casual wear with lots of yawning, and aiming for a perfect start for the day.


2015年10月8日 星期四

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第4彈 【南龍冰室】 The South Dragon Cafe

就似是置身於1961 年月日分秒某人某地⋯⋯



Hello everyone!!! Today the chachaanteng hunter brings you to a nostalgic China café which called "The South Dragon Cafe".  The long queue outside the café is the best prover of the popularity of this café.



The South Dragon Café was found in Hong Kong since 1961, but you may wonder why the decoration of the café is so modern? It’s because The South Dragon Café was closed in few years ago due to inflation of the rent fee, therefore the version of the South Dragon café that you can see is the “reborn” version of it.

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第3彈 【嘉樂冰廳】 Ka Lok Cha Chaan Teng


"Ka Lok Cha Chaan Teng" locates in Tsuen Wan, the old interior setting reminds you the old Hong Kong. I heard that the omelette is made with 7 eggs and evaporated milk, that make the omelette extra fluffy, is that true? Lets find out together!
Hunter Annie & Hunter Shirley 下晝一點九就到咗

Since there was a typhoon ,its been very windy lately, but would affect the passion to "Ka Lok" from public? The answer is No! Look at at the long quene,its crazy. But still we need to get involve to that.

2015年10月3日 星期六

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第2彈【金華冰廳】Kam Wah Cafe


今期Hunter Annie & Hunter Shirley去咗金華冰廳!


  HELLO, our lovely readers! Here comes another recommendation for you. Please bring yourself a cup of tea along some cookies,I am afraid you would be too hungry to read this post.
Shall we begin? Lets go hunting!


2015年9月30日 星期三

SPD 4459 - 尋茶記。第1彈【大安茶冰廳】 Da An Cha Chaan Teng


Subscribers of our Instagram and Facebook page may already know that we are going to do a full review for the Tai On café, so stay close with us!



 The Tai On Café”
For those who never been to Tai On Café before, You can still easily recognize the café with its sharp and clear sign. You can feel the heritage and the vintage “Kong” style of the café by looking its outside decorations. Sadly we forgot to take a close-up look for the café, but we can still giving you guys a description. Through the glass, you can peek the inside of the cafe. On the left hand side, you can see few metal trays which containing the freshly made pineapple bun and egg tarts! On the door, you can see "Welcome" in red and traditional chinese font!

2015年9月27日 星期日

我哋係尋茶記 WE are Cha Chaan Teng Hunter

《尋茶記 Cha Chaan Teng Hunter》由六位重視香港傳統文化嘅Cha Chaan Teng Hunter組成。 茶餐廳(茶記)係香港獨有的飲食文化,廣受普羅大眾歡迎。最經典嘅食物莫過於菠蘿油、絲襪奶茶、鴛鴦、蛋撻。 喺呢度,我哋會將茶餐廳內外反轉再反轉,窺探茶記嘅前世今生、點解茶記喺香港呢個多元飲食文化嘅城市依然迄立不倒、點解茶記咁受歡迎、茶記嘅過人之處、邊間茶記係非去不可、邊樣食物係非食不可…… 一齊嚟同我哋感受最地道嘅香港、探索最有香港特色嘅食文化! 各位Cha Chaan Teng Hunter,旅程開始喇!

Cha Chaan Teng Hunteris formed by six Cha Chaan Teng Hunter that admire the Hong Kong traditional culture. Cha Chaan Teng (Cha Kei a local would call Cha Chaan Teng as Cha Kei) is a distinct food culture of Hong Kong, have been loved by public over the decades. Pineapple bun with frozen butter (Polo bun with frozen butter), Hong Kong Style milktea, Yuanyang (coffee with tea) and egg tart are so famous and classic for cha chaan teng cuisines. We would ask you to come along with us to explore Cha Chaan Teng, to find out what so special about Cha Chaan Teng that Hong Kong people could not live without. Which food we would highly recommend to go for visit. Forget what the travel magazine tell, follow our step to taste the local Cha Chaan Teng. Please join us as a Cha Chaan Teng Hunter, and our journey begin Now!

SPD4459 - 尋茶記。 茶餐廳的歷史及由來 The history of Cha Chaan Teng

正所謂知己知彼,百戰百勝。係我地茶餐廳Hunter搜獵港九新界所有隱世茶餐廳之前,當然要先了解下茶餐廳既起源同由來先啦。Let's Go!

HelloWe are Chachaanteng Hunters who aimed to search all of the brilliant Chachaantengs in Hong Kong. Before we start our hunting, let’s figure out the history of the Chachaanteng first!



History of Chachaanteng

There are two versions about the history of Chachaateng, the first version is Chachaanteng was developed from traditional Chinese food stall, the second version is clammed that the Chinese cafe in Hong Kong evolved Chachaanteng. Both of the statements are described that Chachaanteng was a kind of product turned up because of the changes of Hong Kong citizens’ eating habits during World War II.


其實係二次世界大戰前,當時一般市民除左去上茶樓食一盅兩件之外,重會去大牌檔食一啲比較便宜既中式食物同點心,例如叉燒包,燒賣,油條,白粥等等。於二次 大戰後期,香港成為英國殖民地。香港市民亦受到西式生活及文化所影響,開始對其飲食文化產生了興趣。但奈何當時只有高級餐廳先會提供西式食物,一般市民難 以負擔。看準呢個時機既大排檔開始推出各種西式食品同飲品,以低廉既價格令一般市民大眾享受到西式食物。而呢一類同時提供中式及西式食物既大排檔,就成為 日後茶餐廳既雛形。

Statement 1 - Traditional food stall evolve to The Chachaanteng

Before the WWII, most of the citizens in Hong Kong went to traditional chinese restaurant and food stall to enjoy Chinese dim sum such as barbeque pork bun, siu mai, congee, etc. After the WWII, since Hong Kong became a colony of the United Kingdom, the eating habit and lifestyle of the western started to affect on the citizen in Hong Kong. However, the price of the food in restaurant is too expensive that normal people was not affordable to enjoy. Thus, the food stall saw this opportunity and started to introduce different types of western food and beverage with a more reasonable price. And this type of food stall, which provide both western and Chinese food, had became the prototype of the Chachaanteng.


而第二種冰室演變說同樣地都係同二次大戰有關,但冰室卻係二次大戰後先洐生既產物。正如先前提及既情況一樣,自從香港成為英國殖民地後,部分華人日漸受西式 飲食文化所影響,繼而追求各種西式食品。但係礙於西餐廳收費昂貴,而且更加唔歡迎華人光顧。因此提供廉價仿西式食品既冰室就應運而生。當時既冰室主要提供 既食物包括有三文治、多士、各式包點,另外更加有咖啡、奶茶等飲品。及後冰室裏面提供既食物種類日漸增加,並且同西餐廳各種食物作融合,演變成為今時今日 既茶餐廳。

Statement 2 - Traditional Chinese cafe evolve to the Chachaanteng

The second statement is also related to the WWII, however the Chinese cafe was a product produced by the last stage of WWII. As mentioned before in statement 1, since Hong Kong became a colony, a lot of Hong Kong citizen were willing to try western food but most of the western restaurant in Hong Kong was quite expensive and Chinese people were not welcomed. Therefore the Chinese cafe was introduced to the market. The dishes provided in the Chinese cafe including sandwiches, toast, buns and also different types of beverages such as coffee or milk tea.

嗱 嗱嗱, 其實我地各位Hunter對於呢兩種關於茶餐廳起源既説法都十分認同,因為兩種説法都體現到茶餐廳其實係二戰後中西文化融合同時代演變而成既產物。並且都 認為茶餐廳其實均由兩者所演變而成,用比喻而言,茶餐廳就有如一條大河,由兩條支流,大牌檔及冰室所結合,成就左現今的茶餐廳。

All of the Chachaanteng hunters also agree with both statement about the history of Chachaanteng, since both statement indicates the Chachaanteng is a product of the fusion of Western and Chinese culture. We can say that Chachaanteng is just like a river, which combined by two main tributary, traditional food stall& Chinese cafe.

了解完茶餐廳既歷史同起源之後,我地茶餐廳Hunter將會開始搜獵行動,走均全港為大家搜尋各種特色茶餐廳,了解各類茶餐廳文化,令大家大飽口福同眼福!記得記得Mark實我地 搜茶記 By 茶餐廳Hunter啦!xoxo

OKAY!!! Without further ado, the hunting mission is about to begin! If you want to try some special dishes and experience the local culture in Hong Kong, there is no doubt that we can bring the best for you!!!!! Remember to stay with us!!!! xoxo